
Please note that some calls are available in Italian only

Bando di selezione per il conferimento di assegni di ricerca per lo svolgimento del programma di ricerca denominato: “ANALISI E SVILUPPO NUMERICO-SPERIMENTALE DI ELETTROLIZZATORI PER LA PRODUZIONE DI IDROGENO//RICERCA CONGIUNTA TRA IL POLITECNICO DI MILANO E THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO- 2023_ASSEGNI_DENG_49”                                                                                                           Deadline: 12-02-24 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme:"CIRCULARITY IN URBAN FOOD SYSTEMS - PROJECT ONFOODS SPOKE 1 CUP:D43C22003060001. NETWORKS AND COLLABORATIVE MODELS FOR SURPLUS FOOD VALORIZATION IN CITIES. 2023_ASSEGNI_DIG_137" Deadline: 12-02-24 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme :"ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL MACRO-TRENDS ON THE DECARBONISATION TREND IN EUROPE.  IMPACT OF THE GEOPOLITICAL CRISIS ON DECARBONIZATION POLICIES. AND THEIR RECEPTION AT A SOCIAL LEVEL. 2023_ASSEGNI_DIG_138" Deadline: 12-02-24 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme:"ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC MACRO-TRENDS ON THE DECARBONISATION TREND IN EUROPE. EVALUATION OF THE IMPACT OF THE GEO-POLITICAL CRISIS ON TECHNOLOGY FINANCING POLICIES. 2023_ASSEGNI_DIG_139"             Deadline: 12-02-24 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme:"MAPPING AND ANALYSIS OF STARTUPS TO SUPPORT THE DECARBONISATION OF TRANSPORT. MAPPING STARTUPS OFFERING HARD-TO-ABATE TRANSPORTATION DECARBONIZATION TECHNOLOGIES. 2023_ASSEGNI_DIG_140" Deadline: 12-02-24 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme :"THE ROLE OF HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL HERITAGE AS A SOURCE OF INNOVATION IN PRIVATE FAMILY-RUN BUSINESSES. ABILITY OF MADE IN ITALY COMPANIES TO EXPLOIT TRADITIONS TO INNOVATE. 2023_ASSEGNI_DIG_141" Deadline: 12-02-24 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme:"SUPPLY CHAIN FINANCE MARKETING. RESEARCH ON MARKEING STRATEGIES IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN FINANCE INDUSTRY. 2023_ASSEGNI_DIG_142" Deadline: 12-02-24 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme :"DIGITAL INNOVATION IN THE ITALIAN TOURISM SUPPLY CHAIN . ANALYSIS OF HOSPITALITY, MOBILITY, AND TOURIST EXPERIENCE SECTORS. 2023_ASSEGNI_DIG_143" Deadline: 12-02-24 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme “LTHE EVOLUTION OF RETAIL IN ITALY (NOT JUST DIGITAL) . ANALYSIS OF DIGITAL INNOVATIONS SUPPORTING RETAILER OPERATIONS AND PROCESSES. 2023_ASSEGNI_DIG_144" Deadline: 12-02-24 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme :"THE QUANTUM COMPUTING MARKET AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE . TECHNOLOGIES, USE CASES, BUSINESS STRATEGIES . 2023_ASSEGNI_DIG_145"                                                                                                           Deadline: 12-02-24 Go to grant